Vikas Srivastava

Sometime its very tricky to set up pyspark on vscode, today I will be doing the same and document this for all of us. Below are the steps we need to follow. Steps: Installation of apache-spark ...

Today, I am writing about Kubernetes Architecture/Concepts and Best Practices. Kubernetes became very popular after the evolution of microservices and most of the startup companies started moving a...

This is going to be interesting as I will be doing the data transfer between RDBMS(MySQL/Postgres) to Hbase. Nowadays there are many Options to do the Data Movement but my favorite is Nifi. I will ...

In this blog, I will be doing some more basics of OpenCV. Below are the topics we will be covering in this blog. Image Functions Image Wrap Perspective Image Joining Croping and Resizing ...

OpenCV is OpenSource Computer Vision Library, which helps in reconizing images/videos using python and other languages. I will start with basics of computer vision. In This Blog we will be doing lo...

Today, we are going to see how we can use multiple git account from same computer. Generally we have only one account in github, where we keep all our stuff which we do but sometime we need have tw...

Covid Lockdown, Nobody thought of this thing. How it came and stayed for these many months. One can never imagine that we will face something like this in our lifetime, When you think that you know...

Hello Everyone, This is my first blog on GitHub as it was pending since long, earlier I was writing on different micro blogging sites like WordPress/spot blog etc since thing are changing, and we ...

Hi All, Today I am going to explain how can we recover the file deleted from the cluster by mistake. We have a three node HDP cluster, running all the services. We will go step by step to see how w...

Hadoop Setup with ubuntu Hadoop is nothing but a frameword which consist of two main component HDFS, MR. HDFS is distributed filesystem to store the data in distributed manner and on the other sid...