Posts Guardrails on LLM

Guardrails on LLM

Hello Readers, I will be writing about type of guardrails we can implement on LLM’s

Data Quality Guardrails

Data Validation

Integrate data quality checks to ensure input data meets specific criteria, such as data types, formats, and ranges. This can prevent LLMs from processing low-quality or irrelevant data.

Data Anomaly Detection

Implement anomaly detection algorithms to identify unusual patterns or outliers in the input data. This can help prevent LLMs from being misled by erroneous or biased data.

Model Performance Guardrails

Model Monitoring

Track key real-time performance metrics (e.g., accuracy, F1 score, ROC-AUC) for LLMs. Set up alerts and notifications when performance degrades or falls below a certain threshold.

Model Drift Detection

Implement techniques to detect changes in the underlying data distribution or concept drift. This can trigger retraining or updating of the LLM to maintain its performance.

Explainability and Transparency Guardrails

Model Interpretability

Integrate techniques like feature importance, partial dependence plots, or SHAP values to provide insights into the LLM’s decision-making process.

Model Transparency

Implement model-agnostic explanations, such as LIME or Anchor, to provide users with interpretable explanations for the LLM’s predictions.

Fairness and Bias Guardrails

Bias Detection

Use techniques like fairness metrics (e.g., demographic parity, equalized odds) or bias detection algorithms to identify potential biases in the LLM’s predictions.


Implement debiasing techniques, such as data preprocessing or regularization methods, to mitigate biases in the LLM.

Security and Compliance Guardrails

Data Encryption

Ensure that sensitive data is encrypted both in transit and at rest.

Access Control

Implement role-based access control (RBAC) to restrict access to sensitive data and LLM models.


Integrate compliance frameworks (e.g., GDPR, HIPAA) to ensure LLM applications meet regulatory requirements.

Human-in-the-loop (HITL) Guardrails

Human Oversight

Implement HITL workflows that allow human reviewers to validate or correct LLM predictions, especially in high-stakes applications.

Active Learning

  • Use active learning techniques to request human annotations for uncertain or high-risk predictions selectively.
  • To integrate these guardrails on Cloudera CML, you can leverage the platform’s features, such as:

Cloudera CML’s Model Management: Use the platform’s model management capabilities to track model performance, monitor data quality, and implement model drift detection.

Cloudera CML’s Data Science Workbench: Leverage the workbench to implement data quality checks, data validation, and data preprocessing.

Cloudera CML’s Security and Governance: Utilize the platform’s security features to implement access control, data encryption, and compliance frameworks.

Cloudera CML’s Collaboration: Use the collaboration features to implement HITL workflows and active learning.

By integrating these guardrails on Cloudera CML, you can help customers:

  • Improve the reliability and trustworthiness of LLM applications.
  • Ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.
  • Enhance transparency and explainability of LLM decision-making processes.
  • Reduce the risk of biased or unfair outcomes.
  • Increase the efficiency of LLM development and deployment.

Happy Leaning !!!

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