Sometime, Learning something is not easy as being human we waste lots of time around learning instead of actuall leaning. I generally end up wasting lot of time than the actual time which is required for leaning. Today, I will put down the points which one should consider while doing projects/ learning something.
- Over engineering
- Fancy Look
- Perfect Project
- Manuall testing
- overcomplex
Over engineering
OverEngineering here reference to put more focus on secondary objective rather than primary objective.
Let’s take an example where I want to learn how can I store json data into database like mongo. So instead of focusing on normal loading of data into mongo, I thought why not try with http-request or using different clients using java/python or Others.
Rather Wasting time to find the different ways, I should have stick to any one solution where I can learn how I can use that method to insert data into mongo, which can either be java or python or request.
Fancy Look
Whenever we start building something, we want that to be perfact and should look awesome, But we didn’t realise how much time we waste just to achive that 10% good look while learning something.
We should not be wasting time just to make it look awesome rather than makin it works perfect. Don’t go for that extra fancy look Unless It’s a project requirement I would say focus on the primary objective which is leaning while building something.
Perfect Project
Perfact project, who doesn’t like that :). Let’s see how one waste time while making a project perfact. Suppose I wanted to learn website building, So I thought lets do a small project and learn.
Now I started and build a website which is working fine for 100 users but than I thought lets make it work for millions of people and I started digging into different ways to implement methods in distributed manner and thinking on renting good hardware. Which led to waste time and money :(. I should have done that when it was not my learing project but some customer who wants me to build website for millions of users.
Manuall testing
While developing something we do testing alot, Specially if its requires lot of coding stuff. While doing manul testing we waste lot of time to write the same test code and run with different parameters and so on.
It’s always a best practise to write the automatic testing codes, which will save you ton of time of write test again and again. So try to create generic automatic testing tool which can help you for testing different set of codes and use it regularly.
Over complex
It’s somewhat similar to Over Engineering of project expect here we unnecessory try to make our project over complex without requirements. Don’t focus too much on performance tuning of the project instead focus what is necessory for the project.
Performance tuning is not easy and requires lot of hit and try methods to reach at certain stage, which will eat out lot of your time. I am not saying that don’t focus on Performance but not only on Performance.
Thanks for reading, I hope you will keep these points while learning :)
Happy Learning.