Posts My Lockdown

My Lockdown

Covid Lockdown, Nobody thought of this thing. How it came and stayed for these many months. One can never imagine that we will face something like this in our lifetime, When you think that you know enough that is where Nature mother have ways to tell you who is the boss :).


If I see as an individual to this pandemic I feel like although its very dangerous to the world. It still has some positive side for the people like me and other. Let’s see the positive side of this pandemic

Family Time : Those who are not fortunate enough to live with parents or family becoz of Jobs and tight schedule, Now they get change to be with their families and spend sometime. I feel it is essential to spend sometime with family and friends.

Learning : People Actually started learning new things, they started searching what they want to do for long time and started doing as well. We generally stuck with our jobs and not able to do what we wanted to do, Being in this situation people started following their passion. Which brings good out of people, and They are diverted from the bad surroundings.

Self Realization: People have realized their worth and started valuing others life as well. Now people are more careful and conscious about their health than ever, It is very positive sign that people started realizing what is important and what’s not.

Socializing: Although we hear a lot about social distancing but this pandemic made us more social than ever, we have talk to friends/family whom we have not talked in years or months. We started asking about their life and health.

Religious: Some of us became more religious than before, If I see myself even I started worshiping and believing in god more than ever. Being living in modern era I still believe that there is no one superior or above god.

Pollution: Its one of the biggest success of our plant, People stop roaming about as frequently as they were doing earlier. Not Roaming outside and stop using vehicles makes the air cleaner than ever. Now we are consuming fresh air than before covid.

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